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BetterCar Value

Auto & General Insurance traditionally gave you the option to insure your vehicle for its Retail, Trade, or Market value. These options would pay you out for the same value vehicle, if your vehicle is written off. However, by taking out our BetterCar Value option we will pay you out for, or replace your vehicle with an equivalent model but one-year newer, if your car is written off*.

Terms and conditions for BetterCar

• The BetterCar option is availble to all vehicle models less than or equal to 8 years old.
• *The BetterCar option does not apply to vehicles written-off as a result of theft, attempted theft, hi-jacking or attempted hi-jacking. The BetterCar insured value would default to the standard retail value in the event of a theft related claim.
•If your vehicle does not have a newer model, we will pay out 15% more than the market value of the vehicl