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Advice from Auto & General to help you experience a smoother claims journey

Friday, 27 July 2018

You are insured and you regularly pay your premiums, but what can you do to ensure a smoother experience when it’s time to claim? Here is some valuable advice from our Auto & General claims department:

•  Always read your newest insurance schedule and make sure your cover is correct and you are insured for the correct amounts.

• Make time to read and understand your terms and conditions and phone our customer service line on 0860 10 44 34 if you have any queries.

•  Keep proof of purchase for any items you buy for yourself.

• Always notify us of any changes relating to drivers, address, security and use of insured items.

•  Be aware of important time lines to provide certain documents or to notify us of a claim.

•  Keep your portable possessions safe and out of sight in the boot of your vehicle when driving.

• We care about you and your belongings; be vigilant about remote jamming.

• If a tracking device is a requirement on your vehicle, test this frequently to ensure that it is always in a working condition.

• Keep your emergency assist number (0860 83 84 85) close for you to be assisted for towing and medical assistance should you have an accident.

• Obtain as much information as possible from other parties involved at the scene of an accident.

*The information provided in this article is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal or financial advice.

Auto & General Insurance Company Ltd is an authorised financial services provider. Terms and Conditions apply.

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