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How to increase your chances of recovery from a third party

Monday, 10 June 2019

Recovering your excess from a third party isn’t always possible however taking down some critical information, at the time of the incident, can increase your chances.

In our over three decades experience, most of these basics haven’t changed. However with the rise in technology, capturing some of this information has become easier. Below is a checklist you can follow.

First and foremost:

  • Do not admit fault.
  • Do not sign any documents or accept any form of payment without speaking to us first.

Secondly, ensure you gather all the below information at the scene of the incident:

Third party details

Personal details

  • Name and surname
  • ID number (if possible and without provocation, take a photo of their ID as they may give you a false one)
  • Cell phone number
  • Work phone number
  • Email address

Vehicle details

Take a picture of the vehicle, as you could take down incorrect information, especially if you are shaken.

  • Make
  • Model
  • Year
  • Colour

Insurance details:

  • Find out whether they are insured or not. If they are, take down the name of their insurer.
  • If it is a company car, take down their employer details – name of the company and their contact number.

Witness details

If there are witnesses, their input can be helpful. Ensure you get the following information from them:

  • Name and surname
  • Cell phone number
  • Work phone number
  • Email address

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact us on

0861 60 01 24.  



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