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We’ve thought about those of you that prefer travelling holidays, caravan in tow, and have developed Caravan Insurance to cover your caravan and what you’ve put inside of it against accidental damage, loss, and theft! The best part is that this policy is comprehensive, which means that it will come with a host of extras!

For instance, it also covers certain damages caused to the property of third parties. We're confident that this will give you the peace of mind that you need to really enjoy your getaway, whether you're winding your way through the Midlands Meander or just getting out of the city for a weekend.

If you want to take a closer look at exactly what Caravan Insurance covers, please refer to the Policy Book.

This cover includes:

Towing & Storage
Remember you can only use the Auto & General approved towline, for us to cover the costs of towing your caravan to the nearest panelbeater or dealer. 


Damage or theft
Rest assured that when you take out an Auto & General Caravan Insurance policy that you’ll be covered against accidental damage to and the theft of your caravan. 


Cover for standard accessories
When you insure your caravan with Auto & General, we’ll automatically include cover for your caravan’s standard fitting (the accessories that came with the caravan).


Cover for 3rd party
As we offer comprehensive caravan insurance, you will also be covered against the damage you and your caravan caused another party and their property. 


Optional cover
You can also, for extra peace of mind, add hail damage cover and caravan contents cover (this includes your belongings) to your policy.